Inbound Land Operator Service
Inbound Land Operator Service
We arrange eating and drinking establishments as land operators of overseas travel agencies selling tours to Japan. Since 2014 we have operated a restaurant reservation site "TabePark" for group tourists for tourists, and as of August 2018 the number of registered travel agencies is 800 or more, and the number of eating and drinking establishments is about 3,500 membership members increased. From the start of service to the present, we reached about 1.8 million customers and about 3.2 billion yen circulation.

In 2017 number of customers reached 420,000, sales exceeded 710 million yen.
More than 3,800 stores are registered.

Available in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean languages Since the land pelter can correspond to four languages of Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, there are environments where travel agencies can use safely.
Support for restaurants Since we have the know-how we have cultivated through past experience and customer service, there are environments where eating and drinking establishments can use with confidence, including management.
TabePark compensation (for restaurants) In case of cancellation of reservation, we will be able to use it with confidence because it will compensate a fixed amount. ※ For details please contact the headquarters.

"TabePark" is a site offering services by Land Peller which can correspond to 4 languages Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean. We are dealing with all requests and questions of travel agencies kindly, and we are working in cooperation with restaurants. Since it is possible to respond quickly even when an unexpected event happens during the tour, we are using the service with peace of mind for overseas travel companies.
We provide consulting and support to eating and drinking stores with know-how acquired through about 1.8 million people sending arrangements. Shops that are judged to be good shops for travel agencies will lead to the next new repeat. "TabePark" deals with group sending about 30 people. From the balance of schedule and process, the staying time in the restaurant tends to be short, and there are times when it is three turns, four turns at lunch and dinner. As a problem, when cancellation occurs concerning eating places, a fixed amount will be compensated in the system of "TabePark compensation *", so eating and drinking establishments are comfortable using the service.
* Cancellation etc. on the day before the reservation date etc. It does not apply in natural disasters.
- 香港蒸籠
- ベラフォレスタ
- 出島屋 高木
- 四季の酒菜 いろはかるた
- 旬菜酒房 酔心
- 味ごころ
- そば酒房 徳兵衛
- 京やさい料理 京町家すいしん
- 日本料理 花筐
- 東山和み館 玄 -GEN-
- 和牛焼肉 徳
- 京すいしん
- 炭火焼 酒房すいしん
- 千人代官
- 西村屋 ダイニング
- 花みかげ
- 西村屋 白鷺館
- 西村屋 和味旬彩
- 西村屋 たじま路
- 旬菜しゃぶ重
- 和牛食堂
- 萬寿殿
- 博多鍋仙人 五衛門
- アマンディ佐賀大和
- 博多九州桜
- 和食 折紙 浅草
- 韓国料理 紅紅
- すたみな太郎
- 大和の蟹料理専門店 かにの家
- いけす無門 新宿
- 月亭 池袋
- 光林坊
- いろり茶屋 萬久
- きょうと和み館
- グローバルアリーナ 和食「さくら」
- しゃぶ菜別邸
- あきた芸術村 温泉ゆぽぽ
- はや
- 月亭
- 和久 庄屋
- 日本料理 鮨会席 桂
- メリケン食堂別館
- 銀座炎蔵
- 海宝みなとみらい店
- ホテルアップルランド
- しゃぶしゃぶ仁
- 仁 目黒別邸
- 食king
- 神戸牛 八坐和 WEST
- 神戸牛 黒澤
- 神戸牛 吉祥吉
- 川の駅・最上峡くさなぎ
- 魚と酒菜 とき和
- えこひいき
- 菜の庵 神戸ハーバーランド
- 浅草着物レンタル 華雅
- 贔屓屋
- 北海道
- 他